In our guide to Texas’ shady roofing market, we mentioned that waiving deductibles is illegal. In this article, we’re going to look a bit closer at why it’s illegal, why waiving deductibles doesn’t benefit homeowners anyway, and the importance of finding a reputable...
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Adriana Perez
Protecting Yourself from Fraud in Texas’ Shady Roofing Market
“After a major storm, contractors – including some scam artists – are quick to arrive on the scene. This leads to shoddy repairs, fake contracts, and other problems.” That’s the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) discussing the very real threat of roof scams, the...
My Roof Claim Was Denied. What Happened, and What’s Next?
We've heard the story more times than we can count: You thought things couldn't get any more stressful after your property was damaged, and then you found out your insurance carrier denied your claim… It happens more often than homeowners might expect. That's why...
How Are Xactimate Estimates Completed for Roofing Damage?
In our claims process guide, we spent some time discussing how insurance adjusters generate estimates for property damage. Today, we’re going to dig a bit deeper into the process, so curious homeowners know exactly what to expect when they file a claim. How Do...
Understanding Different Types of Insurance Carriers
Especially in the Lone Star State, where severe weather is so common, home insurance is key to protecting your property and finances. In this article, we’re going to expand our insurance series by taking a closer look at the different types of inscurance carriers and...
Filing a Claim for a Damaged Roof in Texas
Heat, hail, and thunderstorms should certainly keep Texas homeowners on their toes, but with the right guidance, filing insurance claims and fixing up your roof won’t be so bad. You just need to know what’s ahead of you — and that you’re in good hands. That’s why...
Appointment Guide
Should I File a Roof Claim? If you have home insurance and a storm, tree, or other event damages your roof, you may be able to file a claim to cover the repair costs. That’s the goal of our initial appointment – to determine if your situation warrants a roof claim....
A Guide to Insurance & Storm Damage in Texas
Whether you’re trying to file a claim after your home sustained damage or just want to find home insurance that will protect your property in the years to come, this guide is a great place to start. We’ll explore common types of coverage, how your coverage determines...